I give thanks for all things green;
For trees and leaves, caterpillars, and beans.
For the algae and moss that grows where the world is wet;
And for succulents growing in soils with a water debt.
I give thanks for all things green;
They furnish our world with oxygen and caffeine.
Green chlorophyll is queen, a molecule most supreme;
She captures energy for us to live and move and dream.
I give thanks for all things green;
And flowers that bloom in all colors, including aquamarine.
I give thanks for bugs and fungus and slimy things all around;
Our earth would not be as lovely or function as well without them in our town.
Green stink bugs mar the tomatoes; green mantises eat the bugs;
Not all who creep and crawl are thugs; some even deserve hugs.
The sprays the kill and chase the bugs away;
Have helped feed the world, but is the price too much to pay?
I give thanks for the veggies in my garden most green;
And sharing with birds, bees, and worms is a pleasant routine.
For kids with faces and tongues made green from a Popsicle;
I hide spinach in spaghetti sauce for eaters most fickle.
I give thanks for all things green;
My table is complete, and my family and friends healthy and serene.
I give thanks for the balancing act among all the creatures of the earth;
We all have a role to play, and all of us are of great worth.
This article first appeared in the Treasure Coast Newspapers.
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